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Hey! I'm Glad You're Here.

Helping you succeed through  D.I.Y  style practical entrepreneurship, and career advice.

I'm a Y Generation business insider, practicing management consulting and advisory services in the startup era, specifically about strategic partnerships.

I'm the co-founder and CEO of, a partnership development company. We find and develop collaboration opportunities for startups, enterprises, investors, and agencies like a celebrity agent :) We serve companies from manufacturing to healthcare, to agencies, and many more industries.

I traveled to some of the world's most innovative and entrepreneurial places for interacting with business communities for networking and know-how exchanging purposes.

In this blog, I will give practical tips and simplified stories about, career, remote working, self-improvement, business, and entrepreneurship for creating awareness about those life-changing topics as a contribution to society.

Business oversees  expansion  Strategic collaborations  International business development Branding Communication Strategy Remote Team building  Agile Project Management  Scrum 

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